This Is the Police Wikia
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Thursday, July 18th Friday, July 19th Saturday, July 20th

Friday, July 19th is the 5th day of the game.

On this day, Jack Boyd goes to work at Freeburg Police Department. This day introduces the use of City Hall and sending requests to them for more staff, SWAT Team equipment, or money.

Newspaper Headlines

These are the newspaper headlines for the 5th day of the game.

Golden Bird (If you fired all black cops and detectives yesterday): Mayor Rogers - Proven Racist

Golden Bird (Otherwise): Retired Police Officer Tomas Blaine shoots pregnant woman

Freeburg Tribune (If you fired all black cops and detectives yesterday): Jack Boyd Fires Black Police Officers, By Order of City Hall

Freeburg Tribune (Otherwise): Officer Blaine explains: "I thought she was a suicide bomber!"

The Fact: Mayor Rogers: "City Has No Problems With Racists"

Before the day's work

Jack goes to his barn where he keeps most of his painkillers. It isn't long before Francis Kendrick knocks on his barn door with two accomplices from Christopher Sand's mafia. Kendrick reveals that he's fleeing the country tonight, but the mafia has demanded that they finish their "contract" with him tonight. Knowing the mafia isn't one for making hollow threats, Kendrick seeks Jack's help, urging that he now becomes the mafia's inside man. This is the first time in the game the player must make a choice and decide someone's fate.

For the transcript, go here.

Calls today

Shift A will be on call for today's work.

Work hours start from 10:00 until 20:00 for today.

This will be the last day before overtime hours take effect.

City Hall pays the weekly salary today.

Crimes and Investigations

Time Type of report Amount of time to answer call Call Type Location Number of officers allowed Support allowed? Civilians at risk? Other Notes
10:10 Disorderly Conduct 15 seconds Normal Eddie's Burgers 2 No No
10:50 Robbery 35 seconds Choice Touch of Dionysus Liquor Store 4 Yes Yes
11:50 Fight 15 seconds Normal Residential Area 3 No No
13:30 Robbery Until the end of the day Investigation City Center 11 (Detectives only) N/A N/A Enables take-down of the Red Masks gang.
14:40 Destruction of Property 15 seconds Normal Gallery of Modern Art 5 No No
18:30 Vandalism 10 seconds Normal Atticus Tower 2 No No

Other assignments

Time Caller Amount of time to answer call Call Type Location Number of officers needed Outcome Money awarded Other Notes
13:30 Ernest Fitzgerald 45 seconds City assignment Countryside 2 The officers sent will gain 55 professionalism each, but will also take the rest of the day off. $0
14:10 City Hall Instant response needed Municipal assignment City Hall 1 The officer will take the rest of the day off. $N/A Affects City Hall's relationship.